Reply To: Assigning an hourly rate to tasks

Home Forums 2. Components Assigning an hourly rate to tasks Reply To: Assigning an hourly rate to tasks

John Brock

Yes – in Estimator, you can add what I call “Associated Costs” with the + button – for components, layer, materials. So for example, an oven component – you could assign the cost to the component itself, add tax, etc. then hit + to add associated cost. Then you can use *24 as the multiplier and $115 as unit price and HR for Unit Displayed – it will report both when selecting the one component.

You could do this with any component – in your example (and not sure how extensive this grouping is) – you could choose each “wall” or whatever you are grouping, then Make Component to group them. In Estimator, do as above…

Does that make sense? Give it a try and let me know if you have any questions.

John Brock