Reply To: Gable wall stud placement in Framer

Home Forums 1. General Questions Gable wall stud placement in Framer Reply To: Gable wall stud placement in Framer

Tim Edwards

Sorry for the delayed response. I have not used Estimator. Laying out the framing for this shed was something I did sort of on a whim for my brother-in-law who was planning to order a pre-made shed, not knowing if my layout would ever get used. Now that he has found out the shed he was ordering won’t be approved for a permit due to hurricane requirements (he lives in Florida), who knows, it may get used in some form after all.

To further address your question, though, I don’t do framing layouts with any regularity, so I haven’t been in need of something like Estimator. But I do recognized the value of such a tool and wish you the best of luck with it.